Face the music

دوره: زبان انگلیسی روزمره ی ما / درس 230

زبان انگلیسی روزمره ی ما

244 درس

Face the music

توضیح مختصر

Theres something Neils forgotten to do and now he has to face the music. Listen to the programme to find out why.

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

این درس را می‌توانید به بهترین شکل و با امکانات عالی در اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس» بخوانید

دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

فایل صوتی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی درس

Li Hi Neil. How are you? You’re looking quite proud of yourself…

Neil Yeah, I’m great thanks. You know, I’ve managed to finish off my part of the script of our drama - you know the BBC Learning English Christmas drama.

Li Oh great! And did you remember to book the band for tomorrow’s recording? The big boss is coming, you know. He’s really looking forward to it?

Neil Oh no I forgot! I knew there was something else I was supposed to do! Now I’m really going to have to face the music.

Li Face the music? How can you face the music if you haven’t booked a band?

Neil I thought you knew this expression, Li. To face the music is another way of saying you have to accept the consequence of your mistakes.

Li Oh I see. The boss was expecting you to do something and you haven’t done it. Now you have to face the music - accept the consequences of your mistake.

Neil To face the music is today’s expression for The English We Speak. Listen to some examples:


Whoever keeps missing these deadlines will have to face the music.

After two years of stealing from the family who hired her, the nanny was caught stealing red-handed. Now she has to face the music.

Neil So Li, you’re quite a good musician, aren’t you?

Li Well, I can play the guitar a bit…

Neil Fantastic! Bring your guitar in tomorrow for the recording. You play the music to stop me facing the music!

Li Well… OK, but I’m not very good…

Neil You will be fantastic I’m sure. Thanks Li!

Li OK. Bye!

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