Eye candy

دوره: زبان انگلیسی روزمره ی ما / درس 184

زبان انگلیسی روزمره ی ما

244 درس

Eye candy

توضیح مختصر

Going out with a good-looking but uninteresting person?

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

این درس را می‌توانید به بهترین شکل و با امکانات عالی در اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس» بخوانید

دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

فایل صوتی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی درس

Note: This is not a word-for-word transcript.

Feifei Hello. I’m Feifei and with me in the studio is …

Finn Finn, hello!

Feifei Hey, do you feel a bit tired, Finn? Well, I do. What a party yesterday!

Finn Yes, it was good, wasn’t it? Great food, plenty to drink…

Feifei Now… forgive me for being nosey but…you said you were too busy working to have a love life. So… who was that beautiful woman you were with?

Ah, that was … just a girl I know…

Feifei Come on, Finn, don’t be so mysterious. Everybody was looking at her. She looked like a supermodel! Is it serious? No offence, but how did you manage to attract a woman like that?

What do you mean? I’m very handsome! But she’s not my girlfriend…

Feifei Just some eye candy, then?

That’s not fair. I mean, yes she’s beautiful - but eye candy means someone who is attractive, but not very interesting…

Feifei I know - just teasing! It sounds like you like her…

Finn Err, OK then, I do quite like her…

Ooh, you admitted it!

Finn I know…

Feifei We can also use eye candy to talk about things which look good but are not very useful. Let’s hear some examples.

Examples I was going out with this gorgeous footballer but it didn’t last. He was just eye candy.

This illustrated cookbook looks good but you can never find the ingredients for the recipes. These pictures are just eye candy!

Feifei Well, the party was fun anyway. And you know what? Today I’m going on a date with a guy I met there.

Finn Mmm… is this the beginning of a romance, Feifei?

Feifei Oh, no. He’s very boring, actually.

Finn Just some eye candy then?

Feifei Well… we’ll see. But I want to make all my friends jealous!

Both Bye!

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