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دوره: Learn English with Papa teach me / فصل: واژگان انگلیسی / درس 27

Learn English with Papa teach me

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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Is British Food Bad?

Which green makes your pee smell it’s a spat asparagus. Asparagus makes you smell funny. Well, yes, it actually has a very specific chemical compound called aspera gusik acid and it’s sort of a sulphur compound. So, like sulfur stinks. Right, it smells like rotten eggs and that’s what’s in asparagus.

Now, the crazy thing is is that there’s a few variations of it some people will eat asparagus and they will not have asparagus pee, some people will eat asparagus and have asparagus pee, some people will have it and not be able to smell it genetically incapable of smelling it, some there’s myriad variations of how you process that asparagus ik acid, ice my pee stinks up front, I’m honest with you, how about yours? Allie my pee smells like birthday cake. this is dissolving. much earlier than I thought it would be a puppeteer.

Hey guysm I’m Aly. Today, I’m joined by the amazing Nicole jolly from True Food. She is a human Google about food. How it grows where it comes from and everything about food I’m putting that on my business card. butm you’re not used to English food not so much. No right, so, today we’re going to show you a bunch of really cool English foods some I grew up with and the cult is gonna drop some knowledge on me from different foods. How it grows. Try, try to make your mind explode.

Well, of course, we’re gonna start with the classic cup of tea. Now this tea is without any milk? Yes, typically I would have it with milk. I agree which brings us to our first descriptive word for food. Bitter this is gonna be way better. You ready? So, that’s interesting we pronounce that word differently. Oh, I say bitter and I say the our that exists in the word bitter you pronounce the T as well. Then yes, most Americans would say probably bitter, bitter. It would change the that soft tea - Yes lightly D. but, I have good diction Ali. I am so excited for this video. I’ve wanted to do this for so long and now we’re finally here. Cheers, the most horrid cup of tea ever enjoyable.

Okay, do you feel that at the back of the throat though do you feel that bitter often makes your kind of your face scrunch. not pucker. That might be sour. Can you demonstrate a pucker? okay, oh yeah. Yeah, there’s like right and then there’s like the bitter to me. So, it makes you know that face. Yeah, like it’s the back of the throat. yeah, yeah, okay. So, there’s this kind of bitter in tea. Then there’s the bitter that also comes from coffee. Right, we have a coffee. all right, let’s try coffee.

Alright, so, I am more of a coffee drinker.Are you more of a tea drinker? Quintessentially British in that way I should be. But, no I might morning routine always involves a coffee. Likewise, afternoon and evening routine. Awesome, oh, no, does the caffeine keep you up? No, no, I’ll have an espresso at 11:00 and just right to sleep. I’m fine bionic man. Right here or I’m just very tired. You don’t sleep. But, this is black coffee. This is no milk. So, then it classifies as better. Yeahm I’m getting it at the back of the throat again. So, location-wise bitter the back of the throat. Now I notice in my tongue actually goes up to the top of my the roof of my mouth angles like that.

Yeah, humans we have evolved to not really like bitter things. But, a long time agom we ate a lot more bitter things that we were probably healthier for it interesting. yeah? So, what is the difference between bitter and sour, completely different, there are the phases that you make which I demonstrated earlier, but, technically speaking so sour is what causes sourness is usually the presence of acid, som acidic foods like lemons. Like limes. They are the ones that are sour. But, if you think about sort of coffee. and well coffee actually is acidic a little bit. but, like take the greens. for example, there’s no acid in there. Those are just bitter compounds.

So, things that have acid generally is a good rule of thumb. Right, first hour the seeds if you plant this lemon seed, it might not grow a lemon. Could grow an orange. it could grow a lime. a very incestuous family citrus that game of thrones of fruit exactly. okay, so if I plug this I mean oh it’s necessarily gonna get a lemon. No. so, how you ensure that you’re gonna get a lemon? Yeah, is you don’t plant the seed you basically clone the tree which sounds scary. but, it’s like ancient practice, which is you take a bit of one tree and you graft it on to the root stock of another tree. Yeah, and then it that exact lemon for you? So, everything’s just basically cloned these days.

Okay, Sawa confirmed. Sour. Now, do you know the difference between sour and tart? No, I don’t think there is a difference. I think I’ve only ever heard of cherry referred to as talk. yes, that’s yeah and I don’t know why. Because it is essentially a sour cherry sour and tart are basically synonyms. Yeah, I think it’s just you know sort of how you want to play with the language. Can you briefly explain tangy when I think of something tangy it’s not as intense as a sour lemon. It definitely has a sour kick. But, maybe tempered by a sweetness like a leg of green apple. Yeah, for me a tiny thing is like has that kick. it’s like a short sharp hit of sour. Kind of yeah, not as intense. Right?

No, no it’s acidic totally. I think it’s tempered with some sweetness. I would, I would use tangy if it wasn’t as intensely sour, it’s just yeah tempered with some sweetness. Right, a bit more complex. maybe the next word I’m very excited about sweet this typically involves a food with a lot of sugar in it and I’m very excited about this one. Because, if you come to England promise me that you’ll get a sticky toffee pudding it’s the most delicious thing you’ll ever try in your life truth.

Truth, I love it. When it’s like super moist. you know sometimes, sometimes it can be like, yeah, bit on the dry side and they kind of phone in the caramel. yes, but when it’s like just oozing with stickiness. Now, when it comes to desserts and cake type desserts are you a cream or a custard type person? Custard. I’m gonna just choose that. right, I totally agree. I love custard for as healthy as I love to eat. I love sweets. yeah, I will count Rinka custards. So, what makes up a sticky toffee pudding?

Well, you’ve got cake. You’ve got caramel. You’ve got delicious toffee flavor. It’s like 90% sugar definitely which gives it that delicious sweet, sweet taste cheers. Cheers the sign for a sweet. There is a party in my mouth right now. I’m very happy. mmm we’re having sticky toffee pudding for lunch today. this is so good. this is like my favorite video I’ve ever made. Savory, savory just means a food that’s not sweet. Basically, right. yeah, yes. but, Latin languages particularly will make the mistake of saying it’s not sweet. it’s salty. That’s a mistake. salty means it tastes of salt.

But, savory just means it’s not sweet. Yeah, it’s sort of like a category of savory. Right, salty can be savory is generally the anti sweet and then a lot of savory foods can be salty, exactly yeah. So, a first English food which we would describe as savory is the classic the humble Cornish pasty. If you come to England and you don’t have a Cornish pasty you haven’t visited England. Have you ever tried the Cornish pasty? I have, and I actually because I am a food geek. Went on a pilgrimage to find the best Cornish pasty in Cornwall. Whoa, and like I can already tell this, this came from the store guys. Right, so, yeah, this is just like your bog-standard Cornish pasty, which is what most people will enjoy and it’s a disservice. Because, a great Cornish pasty is a beautiful thing.

A meal and a pocket of like flaky buttery pastry like what’s not to love. Right, sure it’s true. So, yeah if you’re in a rush it’s got some good solid and you have to move to catch a train you only have a short lunch. Break you grab a Cornish pasty true and now what goes inside the Cornish pasty we’ve got steak. We’ve got onions. We’ve got some vegetables. Yeah, potato. Insane, right. There’s some potato in there too. Yet sometimes you can have other options like cheese and onion. That’s an option, bit gross. Not my favorite sounds a bit greasy. Yeah, shall we? It’s definitely savory.

It’s not my favorite. So, do you have anything similar to the Cornish pasty in the u.s? We have the influence of the Mexican empanadas. Those are delicious. There is some kind of connection I recall between the Cornish pasty and the Mexican empanadas. I know that Cornish miners went over to Mexico and I don’t know if it’s like there’s a region of Mexico that has Cornish Pasties or the Cornish pasty influenced. The empanada, there’s a connection there we’re gonna get a lot of hate from South American. Sorry’s we love the empanada it is way better than this Cornish pasty.

Right, even if the pasty did influence the empanada. You guys improved it. Yeah, way better. Yeah, also which is very, very savory. what is this this? is called a scotch egg. Oh my god. Waze. it’s like it’s got quite a heft. My waiters, oh, so yeah. It’s like a little surprise inside it’s rattling around. in there what do we have? We have a hard-boiled egg on the inside around the side of that is pork meat sausage meat covered in breadcrumbs. So, why thought of this like. What. What, what was going on in their minds? so, when they say Scotch is Scottish. okay, so, it’s a Scottish egg.

Okay, but, you crazy Scots we’re English and we like to steal everything. So, yeah all right here. we go good thing is you can have it yet ticket is however you want. Okay, not terrible and definitely savory there is no sweet. But, so the great thing is about this you can have it hot. You can have it cold. usually when I get this, this is because I’m in a hurry. Yeah, this is not because I want to have a scotch egg today. no this is you don’t get cravings for these. no this is a fuel for me. This is not an enjoyable food. I can see this being way tastier at sea was like a package from the store. So, if it’s soggy like fresh out of the fryer Christians. Right, like where the coating is crispy I could see that being like in a pub. Maybe, oh, yes, ko Chang in a pub is a whole experience.

Yeah, so yeah or if you go to Borough Market in South London that is also a great place to get a great school. is this something that you’d buy? No, okay fine. but, the Scotch egg and the Cornish pasty you can’t taste the salt in it. so, it’s not salty. It’s savory. salty foods you can actually taste the salt in it. Right, yes, for example. So, when we’re kids or even now sometimes if I want something salty I will get a bag of crisps. No, you guys don’t call them crisp. Yeah, no very confusing these are chips for us right. Aw chips are your french fries, right and crisps are our chips. wow, we really are two countries separated by the same language. Unnecessarily confusing like I said salty you can taste the salt. Yeah, so, crisps are really just a vehicle for salt. It’s like a delivery system for salt. Right, yeah, uh, how many calories do you think we’ve had already?

But, I don’t want to know. I really don’t want to know. Can we? don’t do this. any these words describe foods with tons of flavor and tons of character to them. but, this next word land. Land there’s no flavors. no characters. Nothing sexy about this food. Whatsoever, so, okay. For this next food I feel like we need to bring the tea bag. Yes, yes you can’t have crumpets without tea. These are crumpets. You must always say tea and crumpets. right, it can’t be I’m having crumpets and tea. Um, yeah, no, just doesn’t flow. does it? no, you’d probably be arrested. It yeah typically you would have something on it like butter jam, Nutella.

Oh, but I want to show you what bland is. s,o bland would be this without anything on it. It tastes of nothing. there’s no, there’s nothing sexy about this. are we done with the crumpets? It’s like eating cotton. What’s your favorite topping on a crumpet or any toasted bread toast with butter ideally with butter. Yeah, yeah, if it’s a really good butter and a salt, yes, I feel like every country has their national food that they sit with their family or their close friends and chat yeah. oz is the tea and the crumpets just don’t even bland. Yeah, now we’re gonna move back into the sweet territory with a very traditional English sweet. you say candy. right, say candy.

Yeah, yeah these ones these are called Crunchie bars. We’re not sponsored by them. What is that? That is honeycomb? yeah, love honeycomb. It’s amazing. right how come I’ve never known about this. how long have you lived in England? Oh my god you don’t have anything. Now, I don’t, I don’t. But, my British husband you’ve been holding out on me that is the sound of a crunch to describe a food that makes that sound. It’s crunchy. it’s the loudest descriptor out there. So, the crunchy Bob one of my favorite sweets ever. Also I brought along digestive biscuits.

Again, if you’re in England and you want something sweet. Something crunchy Hobnobs and digestives are a staple snack. have you ever tried to hobnob? I’ve never had a hub. now, you’re in for a treat.Because, they’re pretty good and like I said if you come to England and you want a biscuit something sweet. Something crunchy. Something chocolaty. The digestive or the hobnob you will not be disappointed. Traditionally, we would put them in tea you dip. We dip. oh, we dunk, dunk, dunk, them in tea coffee. Whatever you like. So, they’re a bit soggy. yeah, and then hmm, okay, I’ve had a digestive and I’d quite like the digestive. It, it’s unlike any other cookie I’ve ever had. what’s your opinion? but, sometime here’s hominem.

Okay, it’s more ot right you prefer the dough. Yeah, this is I like goo good. Oh, cookie. But, it doesn’t. You know, no. Doing it for you not doing it for me. Yhree is that your favorite. Yeah, this is the thing I could eat a whole pack of digestives and feel great about it. yeah, but if I had a couple of hop knobs, I’m like damn good. That’s enough for me. so, what’s the difference between crunchy and crispy? So, a crunch gives you that feeling constantly. But, crispy it has the same kind of sound. But it’s more delicate. Yes, so, we have to bring this back to our crisps again. you’re American.

So, you don’t have this flavor prawn cocktail what? Yeah, this is a very very British flavor. Wrong cocktail is this your favorite flavor? It’s pretty good. Yeah, I don’t trust that. I need this whole thing does smell like no, it’s just smells a bit sweet. actually, but texture-wise crispy. it’s a delicate crunch. it’s so small. Hmm, yeah like crunchy fills up your head. right, it just like it. you hear it in your ears crispy is playful. You can keep your prawn cocktail. do you know what. right, stop moving on to our next descriptor.

Our next item of English food, that I grew up with is the Mars bar. this we would describe as chewy. Now, don’t they fry these things up in Scotland? they do. It’s very famous. If you go to Scotland, you can order a fried Mars bar. the verb to chew is to do this. If a food makes you chew a lot, it is chewy. for example, the Mars bar Cheers I’m in mess. They used to have it’s part of their advertising. A Mars a day. what? no. can you imagine? Can you imagine having one of those a day?

Oh God. But it was men like for athletes. Because, it’s so full of calories. it’s, wow right. it will keep you going. it will give you that energy. But, if anyone has a Mars a day they’ll just die. yes, that’s a good message kids. Okay. final two and please don’t let it be sugar. Please don’t let it be sugar. nothing’s back. We’re bringing back the Scotch egg for spicy. In England we usually have mustard for our food. It’s a nice little condiment. some people love it .Some people hate it.

But, yeah spicy. How would we describe spicy? Wow, spicy fills your mouth with fire. So, which other foods would be considered spicy. Spice comes in different form. Right, so, with mustard it comes from the mustard seed. But, often the source of spice and spicy foods is Chili Peppers. Right and there is actually a substance in the pith. Most people think it’s the seeds in a chili pepper. But, it’s not it’s the inner kind of white ribs of a chili pepper. that has intense spice. So, it’s not the seeds. it’s not the seeds. If you just eat the sweets. Nope, I know, I know, wrong. There you go.

You’re welcome. This is why I watch your videos. But, this is this is from the mustard seed and but actually, mustard seeds come from these gorgeous yellow flowers as yellow more yellow than the mustard itself and they’re grown all over. I mean this is like it’s such an such an English tradition. Let’s try it. Some people might put mustard on this Scotch egg. Okay, now the way you eat a scotch egg, it’s subjective. Some people like it hot. Some people cold. Some with mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard. it’s all up to you. Okay, but, we’re gonna try it with mustard. Cuz, I’ve never tried it.

I haven’t we’re gonna see. So, we’ve cut the scotch egg in half. We’re just gonna put a slight bit of mustard on it. That’s like a lot of mustard. Is that a lot again? I’ve never actually tried mustard. How are you the spicy food I really like spicy food but people’s tolerance for spice is dependent on the source. Like some cultures are really good with like a chili pepper type spice and other cultures are really good with a mustard type spice. It really depends on their cuisine. so, all my Korean students they’ll tell me like they’ll have spicy food for breakfast. Yeah, you can really crave it. If you can tolerate it.

So, that endorphin. Yes, exactly, exactly it has that same sort of hormone. Okay, yeah, yeah, all right is this gonna blow my mouth, like I don’t think mustard really ranks that. Highly on the spicy scale. Okay, but it’s gonna try this. Oh, that’s exactly like wasabi. I told you this I that’s wasabi you’re British you should know this. You should know what Colman’s mustard does to you. I’ve never had mustard before. Every, oh it’s hardcore guy. When I what that’s good though. see, I I could get behind this.

Oh, I love it. is it, is it, growing on you. see as bad as that was I kind of want another body. I love it, though right. That’s oddly yes. I actually like with mustard. this Scotch egg is not that bad. It’s really good. oh my god. There’s a kick to the face through the nose. Right, comes right up the nose if you come to England and you like wasabi. you will definitely like mustard. Whoo and I recommend try it on a scotch egg. So, one word I find very difficult to describe is umami. Okay, so not to confuse you.

But, it essentially means a savoriness. So, you’re generally only going to have that umami sensation with savory foods. It has to do with glutamate. The presence of glutamate and certain foods are really high in glutamate, which includes mushrooms. Ripe tomatoes, have it it’s sort of like that’s something, something that makes a savory dish really tasty, fish sauce. You would add fish sauce to a dish to give it that just that’s something, something that makes it so good. That’s the president. Super mommy and it’s so enigmatic enjoyable. but, savory, yes it’s often condiments that.

Get put on food to just get you know put it over the edge. so, msg right that goes into a lot of Asian cooking. Chinese cooking. that has umami flavor. ketchup, ketchup would do it. Mustard, I would say that it could fall into the umami camp. I would, I don’t know for sure though. But, certainly ketchup we have ketchup and like I said Scotch egg you can choose how you want eat it hot cold with mustard mayonnaise ketchup whatever you want even a mix of mustard and ketchup which is what I’m gonna try even a try.Yeah, that’s a good idea. so, I’m gonna test this umami thing out.

Sweet spicy and umami god this, this kind of looks like a bad infection. thank you. I’m so sorry that was my first time trying a scotch egg with mustard. now this is also another first for me with mustard and ketchup. me too. not terrible. so, which bit this is a mummy. Okay, so, certainly the tomatoes in the ketchup ripe tomatoes are loaded with glutamate. which is the source of that umami flavor. I don’t know about you. But, I don’t think of this as like a quintessentially British food like it’s not even British. It actually comes from the fish sauce of Southeast Asia. so, like what yeah.

So, British merchants. When over I’m talking like 1700s went over really enjoyed the fish sauce that they were making in Asia. Came back tried to replicate it very badly. Yeah, so it sort of morphed into this sort of like condiment sauce, that the British kind of tried to make to mimic the fish sauce of Asia and then the Americans got ahold of it and Heinz added tomatoes to the British recipe and opted the Amami flavor and made it actually more shelf stable. So, after all those flavors. All those descriptors, and all of those calories. I want to thank you Nicole for joining me for this lesson. this has been fun.

But, so fun. I think I’m gonna have to be in the gym for the next three days. Just to burn off like three Hobnobs. If you haven’t done so already make sure you check out true food TV. it’s an amazing Channel and it has such educational content. I’ve wanted to do this video for. So, thank you so much Ali. I have loved this. This has been so much fun. My personal recommendation is going which they episode about peaches’ it’s really insanely interesting. Like some of them have hair and some of them don’t. Yes, some reason nectarines peaches same thing different you’ll find out.

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