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دوره: ۵۰۴ کلمه ی کاملا ضروری / فصل: درس سی و دوم / درس 1

۵۰۴ کلمه ی کاملا ضروری

43 فصل | 168 درس

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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Lesson 32

Hello my dear friends. Welcome to lesson number thirty two of five-four absolutely essential words.

And this lesson like other lesson we’re going to learn twelve essential words. We’re going to use them in different examples and actually I’m goanna make them all clear for you just need to focus and understand the meaning of these words.

Let’s start with the first word of Lesson Number 32.

The first word is actually refer, refer. Refer means hand over; send; direct; or turn for information; help or action; direct attention to or speak about; assigned to or think of as caused by. refer.

Let me give you some examples.

a. Let us refer the dispute to the dean.

We have one essential word here on that is dispute. Dispute means a discussion especially a political discussion between two sides.

b. Our teacher referred us to the dictionary. So here referred us means he directed us to the dictionary. So our teacher referred us to the dictionary for the meanings of the difficult words in the novel.

Can you guys remember the meaning of novel? novel actually a long story.

Yes along. Sometimes these stories based on imagination. Sometimes it’s based on real actions.

c. The speaker referred to a verse in the Bible to support his theory.

Yes theory. Theory here means actually things that are based on thoughts. So this was the first word of Lesson Number thirty to refer.

So are you ready to start to learn the next word?

Word number two here is distress, distress. As you can see there is a very connect actually and a great connection between this picture and this word stress. So distress means a great pain or sorrow; misfortune; dangerous or difficult situation.

Or we can you use it as a verb which means to cause pain or make unhappy.

So I think in this picture this girl she’s facing a distress.

a. The family was in great distress over the accident that maimed Kenny.

So guys can you remember the meaning of maime?

We say this words in actually previous lesson which means to disable a person.

b. My teacher was distressed he was actually very unhappy. OK. My teacher was distressed by the dismal performance of the class on the final examination.

Finally something that happens at the end.

c. Long unscheduled delays at the station cause distress to commuters.

Commuters means the people. Actually this is an essential word of this sentence which means the people who travel regularly from one place to another place.

That’s the meaning of commuter and the verb actually is commute.

Yes that’s it.

The next essential word is diminish, diminish. As you can see the dolls in this picture are diminishing from right to left. They are diminishing.

So diminished means make or becomes smaller in size, amount or importance and diminishes is a verb. Do not forget this point.

a. The excessive heat diminished as the sun went down.

And the essential word in this sentence is excessive which means too much or more than enough. Yes.

b. Our diminishing supply of food was carefully wrapped and placed with the baggage.

And baggage is or the suitcase that you usually travel with.

And c. The latest news from the battlefront confirms the report of diminishing military activity.

And the essential words here in this part is actually confirms. Confirms is to verify, to verify something.

OK. This is an essential word of this part diminish.

Very nice words which means to become smaller in size or amounts.

The next essential word is maximum. Maximum is the greatest amount or greatest possible.

And I think this is a very essential word.

You have seen this word in many different places. Maximum the antonym and the opposite word is minimum.

So minimum means the least amount on maximum means the greatest amount.

Let’s use this word in different examples.

a. Chris acknowledged that the maximum he had ever walked in one day was fifteen miles.

So the essential word here is acknowledged. Chris acknowledge. Acknowledge means to admit; to say the truth actually.

b. We would like to exhibit this rare collection to the maximum number of visitors.

We have two essential words here.

The first one is exhibits which means to show something and the next one is rare which means that something that hardly something that you can hardly find. it’s rare.

So let’s read the sentence in a different way we would like to show this actually something that hardly ever found collection to the most number of visitors, to the big number of visitors.

c. The committee anticipates the maximum attendance of the first day of the performance.

And the essential word here is anticipate which means to expect something to happen. So that’s it.

The next essential word here is flee.

As you can see in this picture this person is fleeing.

Flee is a verb which means to run away and to go quickly.

Let’s use these verb in different examples, in different context.

a. The fleeing outlaws were pursued by the police.

We have two essential words in this sentence the first one is outlaw which means a person who is against the law and pursue means to follow somebody.

And we studied these words these essential words in the previous lessons.

So guys if you don’t know the meaning of these words if you cannot remember the meaning of these words I strongly suggest you used to come back and actually review those words.

b. One could clearly see the clouds fleeing before the wind.

c. The majority of students understand that they cannot flee from their responsibilities.

And the essential word in this part, in this sentences is majority which means most of. most of the students understand that they cannot run away from their responsibilities.

Yes that’s a very nice sentence.

The next essential word is a vulnerable, vulnerable. Vulnerable means capable of being injured; open to attack.

We can say sensitive; to criticism and influences. So that’s a meaning of vulnerable. Vulnerable are used as an adjective.

Let’s use it in different examples.

a. Achilles was vulnerable only in his heels.

b. The investigator’s nimble mind quickly located the vulnerable spot in the defendant’s alibi.

And the essential word here is nimble. nimble means quick and fast.

c. A vulnerable target for thieves is a solitary traveler.

Yes I agree with this part and the essential words in this party is solitary which means alone, person who who’s alone or travels alone and always alone.

The next essential word is signify. Yes, signify. Signify is a verb which means actually, signify means mean; to be a sign of something; to make known by signs; words; or actions; or have importance.

So signify means mean exactly.

Let me use it in different examples.

a. “Oh” signifies surprise.

Oh means surprise.

b. A gift of such value signifies more than a casual relationship.

Casual relationship is a relationship that is not very serious. A very friendly relationship.

c. The word fragile stamped on the carton signifies that it must be handled with caution.

And the essential words here are fragile. Can you remember the meaning of fragile? fragile is something that is easily broken

And the next one is caution which means being very careful.

That’s it. A very nice words. Signify.

Let’s jump to the next word and that’s mythology. Mythology means legends or stories that’s usually attempt to explain something in nature, mythology.

a. The story of Proserpina and Ceres explaining the seasons is typical of Greek mythology.

So the stories are explaining the seasons is typical of Greek mythology.

And the essential word here is a typical which means something that is usual something that is normal.

b. From a study of mythology we can conclude that the anecdotes and the ancients where concerned with the wonders of nature.

And the essential word in this sentences is conclude which means actually to give our results or conclude has lots of meanings and other meaning of conclude means to end and finish something.

c. Ancient mythology survives to this day in popular expressions such as Herculean task or Apollo Project.

And the essential word here is survives which means continue to live longer.

And the next one is popular which means something that is famous.

The next essential word is colleague.

As you can see in this picture these guys our colleagues. Colleague means associate; fellow worker.

a. The captain gave credit for the victory to these valiant colleagues.

Can you remember the meaning of valiant guys?

We study this words I think a lesson number six or seven of the five-four I cannot remember but valiant means brave and courageous.

b. Who would have predicted that our pedestrian colleague would one day win the Nobel Prize for Medicine?

Who predicted that? The essential words here are predicts something. So guys predict means to tell beforehand and there is in other words pedestrian.

Can you remember the meaning of pedestrian? Pedestrian means a person who walks and travels on his foot or feet.

c.We must rescue our colleagues from their wretched condition.

That’s a very nice sentence and the essential word here is wretched, wretched condition means miserable and terrible condition.

That’s it. A very essential word. colleague.

The next essential word is torment.

Torment actually means to cause very great pain to somebody to worry or annoy very much or cause very great pain very great pain.

So we can use torment as a verb and as a noun.

Let’s use it in different example.

a. Persistent headaches tormented him. Annoyed him bothered him.

Persistent when we speak about something that continues regularly it’s persistent.

b. The illustrations in our history text show that torments suffered by the victims of the French Revolution.

And the essential word here is an illustrations which means actually the explanations or the show.

c. The logical way to end the torment of doubt over the examination is to spend adequate time in study.

I completely agree with this part.

We have two essential words here logical which means something that is reasonable and rational and the next one is adequate which means enough.

And we have studied these words in previous lessons.

We are just reviewing these words here.

The next word is provide, provide means to supply to state as a condition to prepare for somebody or against some situations. provides.

So as you can see in this picture these soldiers are trained to provide food for these people.

They are trained to prepare something.

a. How can we provide job opportunities for all our graduates?

That’s a very nice question.

b. Hal said he would bring the ball provided He would be allowed to pinch. Actually.

c. The government is obliged, among other things, to provide for the common welfare and secure the blessings of peace for all citizens.

That’s it. I completely agree with this part.

And I guess the last word is loyalty.

Your loyalty means faithfulness to a person, Government, idea custom, or the like.

So loyalty. Loyalty we use this word as a noun and the adjective is loyal.

a. The monarch referred to his knight’s loyalty with pride.

So we have two essential words here the first one is monarch which means king or queen.

The next one is a referred which means to direct somebodies attention to something and that’s it.

b. Nothing is so important to transmit to the youth as this actually sacredness of loyalty to one’s country.

Sacredness. Sacred.

Very nice word which means something that is holy. Sacred.

And there is one and the essential words in this part and that’s transmits which means to send over, to send something from one place to another place.

c. Out of a sense of loyalty to his friends Michael was willing to suffer torments, and he therefore refused to identify his colleagues in the plot.

We have many essential words in this part of this sentence.

The first one is torment which means pain and we studied this words in this lesson.

The second one is identify which means to distinguish understand something and the last one is colleagues which means actually people who work with you.

They are your colleagues or we can call them fellow worker or sometimes we can call them co-workers.

So that’s it.

These were the twelve most essential words of lesson number thirty two.

I hope you have learned them and we’re going to use these words in different examples in different stories and we’re goanna give you a very interesting story.

Please guys if you want to understand these words I suggest you to make stories to make examples and sentences with these words and you can always send me your examples and I will always be there to correct you.

Thank you very much.

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