Conversation 40 - Excerpt

دوره: مکالمه ها / فصل: Conversation 40 / درس 2

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Conversation 40 - Excerpt

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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متن انگلیسی درس

Dorm Mother: …I don’t know what she might think about that. Martha has to make her own decisions about what she wants to do with her life. She may have decided that she wants to quit school and go to work anyway.

Resident: But that would be such a shame, after she’s, she’s come so far! And she’s so bright! It would be a real waste for her to quit now.

DM: Well, you’d better talk to her about that.

R: OK, I will- and straight away. Do you know if she’s in now?

DM: I don’t think so, dear. I saw her earlier and she was on her way out. She said she had some business to take care of- at the post office, I think she said.

R: Well, that shouldn’t take too long. Maybe she’s back by now. I’ll go and check, anyway. After I stop by a couple of other rooms, that is.

DM: Thanks for your help with this, Sarah. You know, I’m really going to miss you when you graduate. You’ve been a fine role model while you’ve been here- the girls all really respect you- and you’ve certainly been a lot of help to me.

R: Oh, Mrs Miller, it’s nothing, really. My mom just raised me right, I guess!

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