Student's Book - Page 88-89 - 2

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Student's Book - Page 88-89 - 2

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

این درس را می‌توانید به بهترین شکل و با امکانات عالی در اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس» بخوانید

دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

فایل صوتی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی درس

Student’s Book - Pages 88 and 89 - 2

Read and listen.

Story time

The bear’s dream

The bear was a friendly animal and had many friends.

In the morning, the bear and his friends used to play games by the river and in the evening, they used to sit in the sunset.

The bear loved listening to his friends’ stories. He could also tell very good stories himself.

One day, when the bear was walking down to the river, he saw a car. It was going very fast and suddenly a big bag fell off the car roof. The driver didn’t stop.

The bear looked into the bag and it made him very happy. In the bag there was the most beautiful violin in the whole wide world.

From that moment on, the bear had a dream. He wanted to be a violin player. He played his violin in the morning, he played it at lunchtime and he played it in the evening.

At night, when he was tired from all the playing, he dreamt of his violin. He dreamt that he was a violin player and, in his favourite dream, he dreamt that he was giving a concert to a big group of friends.

One day, the bear went to see his friends. ‘1 am now a violin player,’ he said, and I’d like to invite you to my concert on Sunday at seven o’clock by the river.’ His friends thanked him.

When it was Sunday, everybody was excited.

The bear waited for his friends to sit down. Then he closed his eyes and he started to play. He played for two hours and he didn’t stop for one minute.

When he finished, he turned and he looked at his friends and waited.

His friends were silent. They didn’t shout ‘Hooray!

They didn’t clap their hands and they didn’t say a word. They were silent for a long time. Then the wolf began to speak. ‘Dear bear!’ she said. ‘We love you very much, but you’re a bear and not a violin player!’ The animals laughed and a minute later they all left.

The bear was now alone. He looked at the sun. The sun was going down. The bear started to think. ‘I think the wolf is wrong!’ he thought. ‘I am a violin player!’

The bear didn’t forget his friends. He still played with them and went to their parties, but the bear didn’t invite his friends to hear him play the violin any more. He played his violin every day for many hours. He played it in the morning, he played it at lunchtime and he played it in the evening. He played and played and played and played because he loved it. and the forest birds loved it too.

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