Zipping Through the Drive-Thru

دوره: انگلیسی به روش آمریکایی / فصل: Dining in Style / درس 1

Zipping Through the Drive-Thru

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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Zipping Through the Drive-Thru

Zipping Through the Drive-Thru Zipping Through the Drive-Thru

I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted! All that waiting for the bus and hailing taxis has made me hungry. Hungry? Yes. In the mood to cook? No way! Hmmm. The hard part is deciding where to go and what to eat. Restaurant choices are endless: steaks, vegetarian meals, burgers, pizza, and ethnic cuisine from just about every country on earth. Even the picky eaters will be happy! But I think some takeout is just what the doctor ordered. There’s nothing like fast food after a busy day. Ha—fast food for when you’re feeling slow.

But don’t let fast food’s bad rap fool you. It’s more than just burgers and fries with a chocolate shake. With people becoming more health conscious (and conscious of those extra pounds!), restaurants are providing more and more healthy choices: salads, water, lean proteins, and whole grain breads.

In fact, many restaurants now post the calorie counts of their menu items. I’m not sure I want to know that my mega-cheeseburger lunch has more calories than I need for an entire day!

Once you have your dream dinner in mind, you can just hop into your car and head to the nearest drive-thru. Sure, it may seem a little strange telling a machine that you want a mega-burger with cheese, but when you continue to the window to pay, the cashier will have your juicy burger order all ready to go. Ah, I can taste the fries already… Machine Guy: Can I take your order, please?

Lia: Hmmm. A burger sounds good. I think I’ll have a mega-burger with cheese, extra pickles, no mayo.

Machine Guy: Anything to drink with that?

Lia: I’d like a Coke. Extra large.

Machine Guy: Anything else?

Lia: Yes, a kids’ meal with chocolate milk and chicken nuggets.

Machine Guy: Would you like fries with that?

Lia: Hmmm. The fries smell great, but do you have fruit instead?

Machine Guy: Sure. You can have an apple or fruit cup.

Kid: Mom, you know I like fruit cup, but I’d like to have the apple. But only if they put a pie around it!

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