Page 59. Talk About the Topic. Part B. LEARN THE STRATEGIES

فصل: Level 1 / : Unit 06 / درس 8

Page 59. Talk About the Topic. Part B. LEARN THE STRATEGIES

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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متن انگلیسی درس

Unit six

page 59

talk about the topic

part B: learn the strategies

so can we review the definition of a robot?

Shelley can you start?

well there are different kinds of robots, right? like robots in factories?

right but what makes something a robot; you know?

like it has to be controlled by computer, do y’all agree?

Yes; and can I ask something?

another point from the lectures is that a robot must have at least one sense; you know like it can touch or see or hear.

Right; like I thought was really interesting how some robots can even taste.

Okay, anything else Shelley?

I wrote that robots have to do a job like pick up a part and connect it to something.

Right, perform a task.

Task? what’s that?

Task, you know? T-A-S-K; like a job.

Right; thanks.

Great, well, that’s our basic definition.

A machine that’s controlled by computer, obtains information and performs a task.

Do you want to move on to medical robots?

Well I think using robots for things like surgeries actually great idea, because robots can be a little more careful than human doctors.

Yeah I’m with you; but I hope robots don’t replace humans. Can you imagine?

no I don’t want that.

hey guys maybe we can stop for now; this was great thanks but I gotta go.

okay sure, sure.

talk to you later.


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