Sample Response

دوره: Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT / فصل: Speaking / درس 64

Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT

4 فصل | 274 درس

Sample Response

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»

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متن انگلیسی درس

Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation and word stress.

That woman wants to tank a creative writing class.

However, it is at night, and she does not want to walk alone back to her car.

The man suggests that she either asked for a security escort to walk her back to her car or find someone in class to walk with her to the student parking lot.

I think she should call campus security and arrange for an escort walk her to her car after class each week.

That way, she will not have to risk walking alone if no one in her class is walking back to the student parking lot.

Also, it is important that she have someone to walk with who knows how to handle dangerous situations and who can protect her.

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