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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس»
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Natural English conversation_ the fearless fluency club
Hi. I’m Vanessa from speakenglishwithvanessa.com.
Today you’re gonna see a sample conversation video lesson from the course “the fearless fluency club.” This conversation also comes with a vocabulary lesson a grammar lesson a pronunciation lesson lesson support and much more in the full fearless fluency club.
So I’m going to show you part of the conversation today you can learn a little bit with it but if you’d like to learn more if you want to join our wonderful community to become a fearless fluent English speaker, you can click on the links up here or in the description below. Enjoy. Let’s get started.
Hey, Jeff. Thanks for coming.
Yeah real happy to be here.
So Jeff is my neighbor who lives downstairs and he’s also a professional musician is that how you
Would say it? Yeah so today he’s gonna
Talk to us about his skills his job his passion mmm and he tell us a little bit about the guitar I know when did you start to play? I started when I was 12.um and I actually I had before that my passion was skateboarding and I had broken my left arm, skateboard. It was my right arm I broke my right arm and my cell my arm was in a cast like this Perfect like for like you know a while I guess it was a few months
and I had to like learn to write with my left hand it was really that’s a whole other story but but while I had my arm in the cast, first of all, was definitely making me reconsider my passion for skateboarding was actually this like I dislocated my left elbow then I broke both bones in my right forearm and so like here I was 12 years old like maybe I don’t want to keep breaking bones and so there was that but then also like it is kind of funny that my arm was stuck in this position but I also like I don’t know I saw a few movies that like one was this movie called crossroads that started ralph macchio you know when he played this this white kid who wanted to get blues man and like there was great guitar blues throughout this throughout The show throughout the movie and when I saw that I think that really inspired me and I don’t know just and I actually I went to a party and there was this kid this busy boy who didn’t even play the guitar that well but he was playing the guitar and all the girls at the party.
Were like oh my god. I’m i am I might want to learn how to do that because girls don’t talk to me so
A good passion! yeah, so I started playing when I was 12 and I started just taking a group guitar class at my school. My parents got me a terrible guitar because they didn’t think I was gonna stick with it so they got me like this yeah
jalopy of a guitar and this guitar this this actual guitar I bought when I was 14.
Wow. With money I earned from mowing lawns and raking leaves, yeah I got this one.
Nice nice that’s really precious to you then you had her a long time and you got it with your I money.
Yeah, I bought I bought it with my own money that that I earned from from neighborhood neighborhood parents and I mowed their lots and right then oh that’s 450 books whoa wow and I bought this when I was 14.
Wow. Um and uh I’ve been you know I’ve been pretty passionate about it ever since.
Sounds like it’s once you saw the girls gathered around the guitar there was no looking back.
ya know when I had a band in eighth grade and when we played our first show uh.
Give us imagine.
It was really cool it was actually at a bar they had like a teen night at this really cool bar. Um you know where local bands really wanted to play I was like a teen night so and we had a demo tape and they they hired us to do it and so we got to play in front of like hundreds of you know screaming kids and they and and really like before that I really was and still in like kind of a nerd and like I just I was the class clown and you know I didn’t I really did not get much female attention except like. Oh my god, Jeffrey would you stop trying to be funny? Oh no and put on cool jeans at but after this concert, after this concert, we went to like the place where teens hung out which was this lagoon in new orleans like you know the parking lot would stand I was like oh man I hope get beat up this time. We get out of the car and we get thronged by like the cool mean guys you know like the guys who did drugs when they were 14. I’m like and all the hot girls we’re just surrounding. It’s like hi hi.can we be your friends? what a change! I am definitely sticking with this guitar wow well.
especially as a 14-year old that’s really important you be like. yeah, we like my girls 15 by that point actually but yeah yeah so sure but then It was the added bonus that um, first of all, it’s the first thing that I was ever disciplined about in my life. My parents are always trying to get me.