Asking A Girl Out by Christina

دوره: قصه های شاگردان Emma / فصل: قسمت ۲۷ / درس 10

Asking A Girl Out by Christina

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Asking A Girl Out by Christina

Mike has a crush on his classmate Carol. He is wondering what she is up to this weekend. He sees her sitting on a bench and decides to ask her out. First, he asks her to join him for a steak dinner. Then, he remembers that she is a vegetarian, but Mike does not want to give up. Suddenly, a great idea comes to him. Carol’s cousin Jack is a friend of Mike’s. Actually, Jack and Mike are very good friends. Keeping this in mind, Mike can ask Carol out through Jack. Mike is going to hold a costume party. He is planning to invite Jack and Carol to his party, so that he can get to know more about Carol and ask her out. Finally, Mike successfully asks Carol out, and they become girlfriend and boyfriend after a few months.

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